From your favorite brand’s product posts to that #CottageCore account you follow, you’ve probably seen the phrase ‘link in bio’.

What exactly does a ‘link in bio‘ mean? Why do people always use it? And should you join in too?

Create your link here for free

Click here >> BIOKINGS.LINK

This is the table of contents

How does “link in bio” work?

In your Instagram bio, how to include a link

Adding a to your TikTok bio

The best way to add multiple links to your bio

Bio link

Here are 5 tips to increase traffic to your website with a link in your bio

The free checklist reveals how a fitness influencer grew from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram without spending a dime.

How does “link in bio” work?

Instagram and TikTok creators use the phrase “Link in bio” in posts to tell their audience they can find more information by clicking the URL in their bio.

Generally, creators use their Instagram and TikTok bio links to send viewers to one of six places:

Website of the company

Other social media profiles they have


Page for a product

Online shopping

All of the above (more on this later).

Instagram users can include a link in their bios, and TikTok users can do the same. Once there, creators draw attention to the link by mentioning it in their content.

The link to the boreal folk Instagram post is in my bio

According to some rumors, saying “link in bio” on Instagram posts reduces reach and engagement, so we ran an experiment to test that theory. Spoiler: saying “link in bio” actually increased our engagement and reach.

Instagram and TikTok creators can send people off-platform with links in their bios. (Links in Instagram Stories used to be limited to accounts with more than 10,000 followers, but now they’re available to all.)

In the bio, where is the Instagram link?

You’ll find the ‘link in bio‘ at the top of a user’s profile, underneath other important information like the number of followers and posts.

Even if you only have a personal Instagram account, you can add a link to your profile.

Using its link in bio, Venture North promotes tourism in north Scotland.


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