USD 3k was tipped by a crypto investor to a waitress

He was giving back to the community with his tip.

A crypto investor from Pennsylvania, USA, gave a tip of USD 3k to a waitress named Mariana Lambert. He ordered food from the restaurant worth USD 13.25 and claimed to be a crypto investor from out of town.

According to CNN, the case was investigated by Zachary Jacobson, a manager at Alfredo’s cafe, who was present when Eric Smith (the crypto investor) visited the restaurant. According to him, the investor wanted to “give back to the community.”

The waitress at a Scranton restaurant, Marian Lambert, worked there for two years and said the money helped her. Jacobson continued.

As a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic, many staff members of the US restaurant as well as similar restaurants in other countries have lost their jobs, leaving them unable to earn a living.

The Crypto investor gave a tip in paper money, but today, such investors are giving tips in digital coins such as Bitcoin to promote the industry worldwide and make aware of people who are unfamiliar with the digital currency as well as those who have not yet started using it.

A crypto addict tips a waitress USD 30

A crypto addict tipped a waitress from Argentina in Bitcoin before this happened. His act went viral and made headlines on many news outlets.

As a tip, he gave the waitress USD 30, that was equivalent to 0.00524 BTC at the time. The waitress had no idea how to use it, but the customer helped her learn everything she needed to know about digital money and cryptocurrencies.

Humbly, she asked, “What am I supposed to do about this?”.

Her friend advised her to keep it for 20 years.

At the University of Florida, Kelly Vedder is a mentor for the New Crypto Course

In conclusion

Every day, crypto investors and people associated with the crypto industry come up with new ideas for promoting cryptocurrencies. This event clearly demonstrates that it was planned in advance.



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