Ever had a problem with Windows? Ever become frustrated with Microsoft’s “unique” approach to privacy? Ever wondered why Windows won’t play nice with your brand new peripheral?

If you spend any time browsing online forums, you might believe that you should use Linux instead.

It is far from the truth. If you are considering switching to a Linux-based operating system, stop right now. Read this article, then tell me it still makes sense.

There are 10 reasons why you should not use Linux. Long live Windows.

The lack of software

Most people look for ease-of-use and compatibility in an operating system. We’ll discuss ease-of-use shortly. For now, let’s discuss compatibility.

Check out this list of software that’s not natively available on Linux systems and compare it to the programs you use every day.

Photoshop is an Adobe product

Office 365

A DreamWeaver project

The 7-zip program


A look ahead

I’m sure you get the point. Linux users are simply unable to access some of the most widely used applications on Earth. You may be able to find workarounds or use software like Wine, but it’s often unreliable and buggy. If someone tells you otherwise, they’re lying.

Don’t switch to Windows if you value its “everything works” feature.

Updates to software

Linux software often lags behind its Windows counterpart, even when available.

In the world today, Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 together account for around 77 percent of desktop computers. Linux accounts for a little under two percent.

Therefore, companies devote most of their resources to updating Windows (and Mac) releases first and foremost. Certainly, the largest companies are able to devote R&D money to Linux at a similar rate to Windows, but smaller companies (or individual developers) cannot.

The distribution of income

Linux distribution

For those looking for a new Windows machine, there is only one option: Windows 10. Sure, there are slight variations, such as Pro, S, and Enterprise, but they are essentially the same.

However, if you’re a first-time Linux user, it’s time to go back to school. There are well over 600 different Linux distributions.

Before you can make an informed decision, you’ll have to compare a good few of them. To make matters worse, some of them are night and day in terms of features, user interface, and ease of use.

Although we don’t oppose choice per se, Linux’s fragmentation is highly confusing for a large majority of users.

4. Problems with bugs

It is true that Windows is far from perfect. It has bugs, and since Microsoft turned Windows 10 into something resembling a persistent beta, the issues are worse than ever.

But consider this: Windows 10 runs on half a billion devices. The silent majority doesn’t have any issues.

Why not? Because Microsoft has a phenomenal budget and employs hundreds of people whose sole job is to test and refine the operating system. Linux does not. Even the most widely-used distros are run by what is essentially a group of enthusiasts operating on a shoestring budget.

The bugs might not be a problem for technically skilled users; they have enough knowledge to self-diagnose and fix the problems. But for regular users, troubleshooting Linux would be a nightmare.

We guarantee you’d see a lot more posts complaining about things not working if 77 percent of the world switched to Linux-based desktop computers tomorrow.

5. Provide support

Support from Microsoft

Microsoft offers live text chat and telephone support for Windows machines, while PC repair shops are familiar with the operating system and how it works.

For Linux users, you’re limited to a few specialist companies and online forums. However, the forums aren’t easy to find help if you’re a newbie.

The driver

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